Blood Defense by Marcia Clark
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
A decorated LAPD detective is accused of murdering an
actress who is considered to be “America ’s Sweetheart”. Samantha
Brinkman, an ambitious defense attorney, recognizes the media attention and
potential clients that will come her way if she takes the case. She soon
launches her own investigation in a quest for the truth and discovers that her
client harbors a few secrets. His uncontrollable anger issues make her doubt
his claim of innocence. She also learns things about herself and her personal
life that rock her normally steady foundation.
This book is fast-paced without skimping on suspense or
details. Each chapter is a satisfying read that makes you want to turn the page
to see what happens next. The mystery is wrapped up in a satisfying way but there
is also a few items that help set up for a sequel. I do so hope there is a sequel.
The characters are well-developed and I would love to see where they go.
I received a free uncorrected proof copy of this book from
Netgalley in exchange for my review. Even being an uncorrected proof I was only
able to spot two errors and they were minor.
This is definitely worth a read. As always, if you have read
it or will read it in the future, let me know in the comments.