Title: House of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Release Date: August 6, 2024
Stella Hudson is a best interest attorney that represents children involved in custody cases. She takes on 9 year old Rose Barclay as a client as a favor to her mentor, Charlie. Rose witnessed her nanny's fall from a window and possible murder and immediately stopped speaking. Charlie believes that since Stella went through a traumatic childhood herself that she is the only one who can reach Rose. Stella is reluctant but still vows to do all she can to help Rose.
As Stella starts her investigation at the Barclays home, she learns that everyone is a suspect, even little Rose. The father had affair and impregnated the nanny. The mother is uptight and has a sudden fear of anything glass so there is nothing glass in the house. The paternal grandmother seems to carry a hatred for her son. Rose has a collection of sharp objects. Stella has a feeling of dread every time she visits the home but she can't quite put her finger on the cause of it.
The more Stella investigates, the more memories of her own past trauma start to resurface. She decides to start looking into the circumstances surrounding her mother's death. Will she finally learn the truth? Will she be able to save Rose? Or is Rose the murderer?
This book was a real page turner and I finished it in a day. Stella's flaws make her a very believable and likeable character. The contrasts and conflicts between the mother and father were relatable as well. The ending was good.
The only complaint I have is regarding Stella's association with a police detective. I wish it had been fleshed out more. It felt a bit rushed and almost like an afterthought.
All in all this book was a great read. I highly recommend it.
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advance reader copy.
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