Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Perfect Sister by Stephanie DeCarolis

 Title: The Perfect Sister by Stephanie DeCarolis
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine - Bantam
Release Date: July 16, 2024

Alex Walker leaves her small hometown in Pennsylvania for the affluent shores of the Hamptons in search of her missing sister, Maddie. The last time she saw Maddie was at their mother's funeral, where harsh words were exchanged. Alex knew that no matter how much distance was between them, Maddie would never forget to call her on her birthday. When Alex's birthday comes and goes with no call, she just knows that something is wrong. She spots a clue to Maddie's location in the last selfie that her sister sent her so she takes leave from work and heads to the Hamptons.

After speaking to Maddie's employer she learns that Maddie hasn't been seen in days. She's able to get Maddie's last known address and is surprised to learn that it's not a hotel. She's even more surprised to find it's a rather large mansion. 

The inhabitants of the mansion are Lily, Katherine, Theo and James - the Maxwell family. They welcome Alex to their home and express concern about Maddie's disappearance but something seems off to Alex. They seem like the perfect family with the perfect home but she wonders if maybe they are a little too perfect.

Alex also goes to the police and they don't take her worries seriously. She decides to investigate herself and in doing so she soon realizes that the sister she was close to her whole life may well be a stranger.

This book is filled with secrets and intrigue and twists. The author does her best to keep you guessing. Her scene descriptions are vivid and compelling. She also explores some of the feelings between the "haves and have nots" but does so in a way that's not pushy or overshadowing to the plot.

Her characters are well written and you either love them, hate them or pity them. I despised Katherine. No spoilers though, you'll have to read the book and see how you feel about her. All the characters, even the secondary characters, were fleshed out extremely well.

A good thriller usually has a twist and this one had a few to keep you turning the page. I enjoyed this book immensely and I strongly advise everyone to get a copy. It would be perfect for either a beach read or something for a rainy day under a blanket. You won't want to put it down, I know I sure didn't!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine - Bantam for giving me an advance reader copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay

 Title: Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay
Publisher: William Morrow
Release Date: June 11, 2024

As an avid horror fan, this book sounded like it would be right up my alley. Unfortunately, that proved not to be the case.

The book was written from the point of view of someone I'll call the "Narrator" as we never learn his name. He is writing a companion to an audiobook about a 1993 movie that was partially released online and became a cult hit. There are multiple times lines which include present, recent past, 1993, and sections of the movie's script. The Narrator is the only surviving member of the cast of the original movie. Hollywood and The Narrator are trying to make a reboot of the film.

The multiple timelines can be confusing and convoluted at times which makes the book somewhat hard to read. There are also long sections without dialogue that ramble on for what feels like forever. The "horror" aspect of the book was more disturbing than scary. Most of the book was about bullying.

The ending felt rushed and added on for dramatic effect rather than neatly ending the story. It left me staring at my Kindle wondering what the heck I just read. I love a good horror story whether it be film or novel and this book didn't feel like horror at all to me.

Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for allowing me to read an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.  

Society of Lies by Lauren Ling Brown

 Title: Society of Lies by Lauren Ling Brown
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine - Bantam
Release Date: August 13, 2024

This book is told via the dual point of view and dual timelines of sisters Maya and Naomi. This can get confusing at times so you'll really want to read this book when you can give it your full attention. 

Maya returns to Princeton for her reunion and her younger sister Naomi's graduation. When Naomi doesn't show up to one of the scheduled events, Maya begins to worry. She's soon devastated to learn that police have discovered Naomi's body and are ruling her death an accident. After a conversation with the police, Maya is convinced that her sister was murdered. She starts to investigate on her own.

Maya discovers that she may not have known her sister as well as she thought. Despite Maya's warning, Naomi had joined Sterling Club, an exclusive social club. Even worse, she had be tapped to join the secret society that operates through Sterling Club. Maya knows all about it because she too was once a member. 

Upon more digging around, Maya finds out that Naomi was digging into the secrets and past of the secret society. Maya is worried that the society was involved with Naomi's death, but how can she convince the police without revealing her own secret past?

I really wanted to like this book. The premise was intriguing. Who doesn't like to read about a secret society?

Unfortunately, the parts about the society felt lackluster. It wasn't very exciting at all. I kept hoping the drama would amp up and it just didn't. Parts of the book required a complete suspension of disbelief and the ending felt rushed. It wasn't  my favorite book this year, but I'd be willing to give the author another chance in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine - Bantam for an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for me honest review.