Sunday, June 2, 2024

Society of Lies by Lauren Ling Brown

 Title: Society of Lies by Lauren Ling Brown
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine - Bantam
Release Date: August 13, 2024

This book is told via the dual point of view and dual timelines of sisters Maya and Naomi. This can get confusing at times so you'll really want to read this book when you can give it your full attention. 

Maya returns to Princeton for her reunion and her younger sister Naomi's graduation. When Naomi doesn't show up to one of the scheduled events, Maya begins to worry. She's soon devastated to learn that police have discovered Naomi's body and are ruling her death an accident. After a conversation with the police, Maya is convinced that her sister was murdered. She starts to investigate on her own.

Maya discovers that she may not have known her sister as well as she thought. Despite Maya's warning, Naomi had joined Sterling Club, an exclusive social club. Even worse, she had be tapped to join the secret society that operates through Sterling Club. Maya knows all about it because she too was once a member. 

Upon more digging around, Maya finds out that Naomi was digging into the secrets and past of the secret society. Maya is worried that the society was involved with Naomi's death, but how can she convince the police without revealing her own secret past?

I really wanted to like this book. The premise was intriguing. Who doesn't like to read about a secret society?

Unfortunately, the parts about the society felt lackluster. It wasn't very exciting at all. I kept hoping the drama would amp up and it just didn't. Parts of the book required a complete suspension of disbelief and the ending felt rushed. It wasn't  my favorite book this year, but I'd be willing to give the author another chance in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine - Bantam for an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for me honest review.

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